Are you using Fragments in GraphQL?

Are you using Fragments in GraphQL?

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🤔  Have you been thinking about learning to use fragments? Well, here is the simplest description with demo.🎓 When we need to use/repeat the same fields in multiple queries, making changes can be tedious as we would have to update at all places.😬 This is where fragments come in handy 💡 A Fragment is a

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Internationalization and Localization in WordPress

Internationalization and Localization in WordPress

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Internationalization is the process of developing your theme, so it can easily be translated into other languages. Internationalization is often abbreviated as i18n (because there are 18 letters between the letters i and n). Localization describes the subsequent process of translating an internationalized theme. Localization is abbreviated as l10n (because there are 10 letters between the l and the

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Setting up Storybook for Gatsby

Setting up Storybook for Gatsby

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Storybook is a user interface development environment and playground for UI components. The tool enables developers to create components independently and showcase components interactively in an isolated development environment.In this blog you will know about how to setup storybook for Gatsby. To know more about storybook and its use , you can watch the below demo

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Deploying your Gatsby site to AWS S3 bucket | gatsby-plugin-s3 | Circleci

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In this blog you will learn about how to deploy your Gatsby site to AWS S3 bucket. There are several ways to deploy it: AWS CLI AWS CLI with gatsby-plugin-s3 plugin Circleci 1. Using AWS CLI Lets install aws cli globally first. Then we need to configure using the below command and enter our AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID

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