In this blog you will learn about uploading a new approved plugin or updating an existing WordPress plugin on svn. 1. Adding New Plugin to WordPress Go to below link and upload your plugin : Add read me file Screenshots Screenshots go in the /assets folderthe filename for screenshot should be screenshot-1.png, screenshot-2.png and the

Setup Cypress in your Next.js Application | End to End testing
Posted onIn this blog we will learn about how to setup cypress in your next.js applications and end to end testing. Step One: Install cypress and add the script and config Lets install cypress first Now add this script into your package.json file Now run cypress open from the root of the project. This will create
Slick Slider WordPress Without Plugin | Slick Carousel
Posted onIn this blog we will learn how to add a slick carousel in a WordPress Theme without using any plugins. There are couple of ways you can add a slick carousel in WordPress: Using slick-carousel npm package, or, Download required slick files. In this blog we will learn the second way, by downloading the slick files.
Using Github Package Registry : Publish NPM Packages
Posted onSince npm is a part of Github now, you can publish an npm package with Github. Let’s learn how to do that in this blog. Step 1: Create a Personal Access Token Create a personal access token from Github settings Step: 2 Create a .npmrc file Create a new ~/.npmrc file if one doesn’t exist, and add
Add custom field to WordPress REST API
Posted onSometimes we may need to add custom fields to existing core WordPress REST API, which we may also need in the module for Custom Gutenberg Block development.In this blog we will learn about how to do just that. Add custom field to ‘user’ endpoint. We will use register_rest_field function and hook it to rest_api_init