In this blog, I am going tell you the quickest and easiest way to create lazy loading without using any libraries.We are just going to use simpleCSS and JavaScript The Concept We first add the lightweight image URL in the src and srset attributes, and the actual image URL and actual srcset into data-src and data-srcset respectively.On initial page load, on window resize, scroll and

Common CSS Tricks
Posted onShow only a few lines with … Targeting Firefox with css Overflow without any scrollbar. Style Select HTML Entities Styling Responsive Video players. Styling a select box with CSS and JavaScript * – In the below input element, value is term id, name is term name.* – The div#select-box-list needs to have the same input

Pagination for Custom Post types
Posted onCreating a simple pagination for custom post types

Date Functions and Formats
Posted ondate($format, $timestamp) is one of the most commonly used date and time functions available in PHP. It takes the desired output format for the

Common JavaScript Functions
Posted onEssential JavaScript functions that every developer should keep in their toolbox! …