Dynamically populate a select field’s choices for Custom Post Types— ACF

Dynamically populate a select field’s choices for Custom Post Types— ACF

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Adding the dynamic select field choices in Advanced Custom Fields can be challenging, as ACF does not offer this feature by default. In this blog, we will discuss to do just that. Register a custom field with name ‘post_type_selection’ and field type ‘Select’ Now let’s write the PHP code as described above. Notice that, we

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Create Data Table Block With ACF, dataTables, And Sticky First Column

Create Data Table Block With ACF, dataTables, And Sticky First Column

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In this blog, we will learn about how to create a data table block with ACF. I am assuming you have the ACF pro plugin. This table will allow you to sort the data, as well as the first column, will be sticky. Register ACF Data Table Block Let’s register our block first. Create Custom

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Build Multiple Gutenberg Blocks Using block.json | Custom SVG Icon For Blocks

Build Multiple Gutenberg Blocks Using block.json | Custom SVG Icon For Blocks

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In this blog, we will learn about how to build multiple custom Gutenberg blocks with the new convention of using block.json. Create Files for Style and Script Create a file called index.js and index.css in test-block directory. Creating block.json file Create a file called block.json and define all the properties. Register Block Client side. Place

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Maintaining A 16:9 Responsive Aspect-Ratio Of An Image Using CSS

Maintaining A 16:9 Responsive Aspect-Ratio Of An Image Using CSS

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One of the greatest challenges developers face is to maintain an aspect ratio of multiple images with unknown dimensions. In this blog, we will learn just that. Let’s take an example of these two images with different dimensions. The problem is that we cannot give it a fixed height because the width will change in

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Saving the ACF JSON locally to your plugin or theme file | Save, Load and Sync Advanced Custom Fields JSON

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Saving the ACF JSON files locally allows you to have version control over your field settings! Let’s learn how to do that. Create an acf-json directory Create a directory called acf-json in your plugin. Save the JSON Add the following in your functions.php file Now when you hit save/update for each ACF Group , it is going

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Mailchimp Newsletter Subscription in Next.js React Application

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In this blog we will learn about how to add a mailchimp newsletter subscription in a Nextjs react application. Get the Mailchimp URL Create an account on Mailchimp if you don’t already have one.Create an audience campaign. Navigate to Campaigns > Signup Forms > Signup forms tab and click on Embed forms and then select. Copy the the form action value

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Setup PWA Workbox Webpack Plugin for React Application | Workbox Window | Precaching | Caching at runtime

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In this blog we will learn how to convert a React App into a PWA using Workbox WebpackPlugin, workbox-window etc. We will do pre-caching of a few assets and few api response at runtime, using strategies like StaleWhileRevalidate and Cache Firstetc. Demo site Source Code Install workbox webpack plugin Install these packages. Webpack Configuration Add these configuration to

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Create Stripe Checkout In Next.js | Stripe Session | Stripe Webhook.

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In this blog you will learn how to create a stripe session, redirect the user to the stripe checkout and also create stripe webhook that listens to when the payment is made. Live Demo Example Create Next.js app Create stripe keys and put them in next.js`.env` fileCreate a stripe account if you don’t already have

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Women Who Inspire – Interview with Demelza Marie

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Tell me a little bit about yourself and your work. My name is Demelza Marie and I am an artist and an “online course creation” coach, with specialized skills in film and video production. I have over 20 years of experience in video production. How did you come into your current field? Could you please

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