Mailchimp Newsletter Subscription in Next.js React Application

In this blog we will learn about how to add a mailchimp newsletter subscription in a Nextjs react application.

Get the Mailchimp URL

Create an account on Mailchimp if you don’t already have one.
Create an audience campaign.

Navigate to Campaigns > Signup Forms > Signup forms tab and click on Embed forms and then select.

Copy the the form action value

// Example.
<form action=""...

Create Environment variable in Next.js app

Add Env variable in next.js application .env file for Mailchimp URL and paste the URL taken from form action above.


Install the React Mailchimp Subscribe Package

npm i react-mailchimp-subscribe html-entities

Create a React Component in next.js called NewsletterForm
Notice we have added NewsletterForm component which we will add shortly.

import MailchimpSubscribe from 'react-mailchimp-subscribe';
import NewsletterForm from './NewsletterForm';

const NewsletterSubscribe = () => {


  return (
      url={ MAILCHIMP_URL }
      render={ ( props ) => {
        const { subscribe, status, message } = props || {};
        return (
            status={ status }
            message={ message }
            onValidated={ formData => subscribe( formData ) }
      } }

export default NewsletterSubscribe;

Create another component called NewsletterForm

import { useState } from 'react';
import { decode } from 'html-entities';

const NewsletterForm = ( { status, message, onValidated }) => {

  const [ error, setError ] = useState(null);
  const [ email, setEmail ] = useState(null);

   * Handle form submit.
   * @return {{value}|*|boolean|null}
  const handleFormSubmit = () => {


    if ( ! email ) {
      setError( 'Please enter a valid email address' );
      return null;

    const isFormValidated = onValidated({ EMAIL: email });

    // On success return true
    return email && email.indexOf("@") > -1 && isFormValidated;

   * Handle Input Key Event.
   * @param event
  const handleInputKeyEvent = ( event ) => {
    // Number 13 is the "Enter" key on the keyboard
    if (event.keyCode === 13) {
      // Cancel the default action, if needed
      // Trigger the button element with a click

   * Extract message from string.
   * @param {String} message
   * @return {null|*}
  const getMessage = (message) => {
    if ( !message ) {
     return null;
    const result = message?.split('-') ?? null;
    if ( "0" !== result?.[0]?.trim() ) {
     return decode(message);
    const formattedMessage = result?.[1]?.trim() ?? null;
    return formattedMessage ? decode( formattedMessage ) : null;

  return (
      <div className="d-flex newsletter-input-fields">
        <div className="mc-field-group">
            onChange={(event) => setEmail(event?.target?.value ?? '')}
            placeholder="Your email"
            onKeyUp={(event) => handleInputKeyEvent(event)}
        <div className="button-wrap wp-block-button">
          <button className="wp-block-button__link" onClick={handleFormSubmit}>
      <div className="newsletter-form-info">
        {status === "sending" && <div>Sending...</div>}
        {status === "error" || error ? (
            dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: error || getMessage( message ) }}
        ) : null }
        {status === "success" && status !== "error" && !error && (
          <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: decode(message) }} />

export default NewsletterForm

This will create a Newsletter Form in your React Application go ahead and try it out

That’s all folks!

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