#6 What are Views in Laravel 5.6

Creating a View file

All view files should have an extension of .blade.php
Lets create a view file called about.blade.php inside projectname/resources/views


Now lets create a route for this file inside projectname/routes/web.php file by defining the below method

Route::get('/about', function () {
    return view('about'); // This will make the content of your view file about.blade.php available at localhost:8000/about

Its preferebale to keep your view files into separate folders so if you create the folder called myviews inside projectname/resources/views directory and place your about.blade.php file inside it, Then you will define the route inside projectname/routes/web.php like so 

Route::get('/about', function () { // you can write /about or about it does not matter
    return view('myviews/about'); // This will make the content of your view file about.blade.php available at localhost:8000/about
    return view('myviews.about'); // This will make the content of your view file about.blade.php available at localhost:8000/about

You can also insert dynamic values in the url as $var and get that value inside the get method inside the route

Route::get('about/{id}/{name}', function ( $id, $name ) {
  return This is the $id nd $name. // So if pass the $id in the url e.g. localhost:8000/about/2/page ...this will return 'This is 2 nd page'

Namespaces are a way of encapsulating items. For example, directories serve to group related files, and act as a namespace for the files within them.PHP Namespaces provide a way in which to group related classes, interfaces, functions and constants.
However its best practice to create a controller e.g. AboutController.php inside app/Http/controllers directory , return the view inside that controller and then provide route for that controller like so :

# inside app/Http/controllers/AboutController.php

// Here namespace means that this class belongs to Controllers
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
// use means we pull the Request and allow you to use request methods
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class AboutController extends Controller {
	public function about( Request $request ) {  // ( Request $request ) will make the methods of Request class available inside $request var.
		return view( 'about' );

# Inside routes/web.php
Route::get('about', 'AboutController');

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