Benefits of Using Laravel Blade Templates vs. PHP Templates Laravel Blade templates offer a clean and efficient approach to writing views compared to traditional PHP templates. One of Blade’s major benefits is its lightweight syntax. It allows developers to write expressive code without the clutter of standard PHP, improving readability and reducing code duplication. Blade
Category: WordPress
Setup And Run Cypress Tests With Your WordPress Plugin
Posted onIn this blog, we will learn how to setup and run Cypress test with your WordPress plugin. Source Code: (for smart people 😉) Step 1: Install Cypress( Assuming you already have a package.json file in your project, else run npm init first. This will install cypress locally in node_modules of your project. Step 2:

Create Custom Post Type Search Result Page In WordPress
Posted onIn this blog, we will learn about how to create a custom post-type search result page in WordPress. We need to take the following steps: Create a custom search page template ( {custom-post-type}-search.php ) Load your template using ‘template_include’ filter Create a custom search form template ( {custom-post-type}-searchform.php ) Step One — Custom Search Page Template Create a

Adding Local Fonts or Google Fonts In Tailwind CSS For WordPress Theme
Posted onIn this blog, we will learn about how to add local fonts in TailwindCSS.There are several reasons why you should include fonts locally. Watch this video to know more. Step 1: Download the Fonts Locally Use Google Fonts Helper Place the fonts into the fonts directory. Step 2: Copy the fonts code into fonts.scss Step 3: Add the

Load More Post Or Infinite Scroll For A Single Post In WordPress
Posted onIn this blog, we will learn about how to create a load more posts feature for a single post page in WordPress. Create a nonce and pass it to the JavaScript file, so it can be verified. We will create a function that renders the template with load more button. Create a function that verifies

Extending Yoast To Add Your Custom Schema With Pieces
Posted onIn this blog we will learn about how to extend the Yoast to output our Custom Yoast Schema Pieces. You can get more details about what you fields require in the schema by searching it here Now let’s instantiate the above Review Class Now Check the JSON LD in your single post src, it would
Saving the ACF JSON locally to your plugin or theme file | Save, Load and Sync Advanced Custom Fields JSON
Posted onSaving the ACF JSON files locally allows you to have version control over your field settings! Let’s learn how to do that. Create an acf-json directory Create a directory called acf-json in your plugin. Save the JSON Add the following in your functions.php file Now when you hit save/update for each ACF Group , it is going
Submitting A New WordPress Plugin And Uploading It On SVN
Posted onIn this blog you will learn about uploading a new approved plugin or updating an existing WordPress plugin on svn. 1. Adding New Plugin to WordPress Go to below link and upload your plugin : Add read me file Screenshots Screenshots go in the /assets folderthe filename for screenshot should be screenshot-1.png, screenshot-2.png and the
Slick Slider WordPress Without Plugin | Slick Carousel
Posted onIn this blog we will learn how to add a slick carousel in a WordPress Theme without using any plugins. There are couple of ways you can add a slick carousel in WordPress: Using slick-carousel npm package, or, Download required slick files. In this blog we will learn the second way, by downloading the slick files.
Add custom field to WordPress REST API
Posted onSometimes we may need to add custom fields to existing core WordPress REST API, which we may also need in the module for Custom Gutenberg Block development.In this blog we will learn about how to do just that. Add custom field to ‘user’ endpoint. We will use register_rest_field function and hook it to rest_api_init