In this blog we will learn about how to add a mailchimp newsletter subscription in a Nextjs react application. Get the Mailchimp URL Create an account on Mailchimp if you don’t already have one.Create an audience campaign. Navigate to Campaigns > Signup Forms > Signup forms tab and click on Embed forms and then select. Copy the the form action value
Setup PWA Workbox Webpack Plugin for React Application | Workbox Window | Precaching | Caching at runtime
Posted onIn this blog we will learn how to convert a React App into a PWA using Workbox WebpackPlugin, workbox-window etc. We will do pre-caching of a few assets and few api response at runtime, using strategies like StaleWhileRevalidate and Cache Firstetc. Demo site Source Code Install workbox webpack plugin Install these packages. Webpack Configuration Add these configuration to
Create Stripe Checkout In Next.js | Stripe Session | Stripe Webhook.
Posted onIn this blog you will learn how to create a stripe session, redirect the user to the stripe checkout and also create stripe webhook that listens to when the payment is made. Live Demo Example Create Next.js app Create stripe keys and put them in next.js`.env` fileCreate a stripe account if you don’t already have
Women Who Inspire – Interview with Demelza Marie
Posted onTell me a little bit about yourself and your work. My name is Demelza Marie and I am an artist and an “online course creation” coach, with specialized skills in film and video production. I have over 20 years of experience in video production. How did you come into your current field? Could you please
Women Who Inspire – Interview with Ashlee Espinosa
Posted onPlease share a little bit about yourself and your work My name is Ashlee Espinosa and I am an actor, educator, creator, and coach. I am transforming the methods of teaching and coaching online while helping educators and artists move their business, classes and studios into a virtual format. Through my virtual studio I offers