In this blog you will learn how to create amazon bucket and user and get the Access key ID and Secret access key for uploading files.. Step-1: Create an account on Step-2: Create user on you have created the account Click on service > Security, Identity & Compliance > IAM Now click on Users > Add User
Interesting things about Node JS
Posted onNode JS is a runtime environment built on Chrome’s V8 engine.It is is very efficient in communication. Its great with WebSocket communication.Write data validation only once( DRY Rule )Because you can write your JS code both for front end and for the server, you can do the data validation only one. How does Node work?
Browser APIs
Posted onStorage API Local Storage and Session Storage Few Important points: 1-Local Storage never expire.2. Session storage expire when the user closes the browser tab. Each browser tab will have a separate session.3. When you change local Storage data, an event gets fired that you can listen to. If user has open multiple tabs and changes
Live Search with React
Posted onIn this blog, we will learn about how to create a live search input field, which fetches the result as the user types in the query.Of all the results available for that query, we will only fetch 20 results. We will create a pagination for the user to navigate to the next or previous 20
Set Up React App with WebPack and Babel
Posted onIn this blog you will learn to set up a React Application: Using create-react-app Using Webpack, Webpack Dev Server and Babel from scratch I am assuming that you have Node installed already on your system. Using create-react-app We will first install the create-react-app globally. Then we create a project using create-react-app command. npm install -g create-react-app create-react-app projectnamecd projectname npm run